Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sundays my new favorite day of the week.

Dear Truth Seeker,

I am humbled to be alive. Stressed out, over-extended, and absolutely tired still leaves me optimistic for this week, the next, and the week after next until school will be done for this semester. Term papers, exams, clubs and extracurriculars and weekend parties are enough to make anyone run themselves ragged. This past Sunday was serene, a calm amongst the stress and hussle and bussle of life. I didn't notice any real differences in that Sunday as all of the others, except that I was more prepared spiritually, and that has made all the difference. I take along with me "Le Petit Livre Rouge" with me to take notes, and write down inspirations that come to me while I listen to the lessons given. It is interesting to see the many blessings come from that simple act. I retain the lesson better, but more importantly is that daily dose of personal revelation. To be able to receive personal revelation on issues as pertinent as what I should be doing to move closer towards my personal salvation is the best guidance I could receive. I know that my Heavenly Father knows who I am. He understands my concerns, and amidst the billions on this earth he cares deeply for me. He has infinite knowledge and love, and for that I am eternally grateful. 

Also mentioned at church Sunday, was "sacrifice." All sacrifice makes us stronger. I guess whomever invented that quote, "whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger," really had something going for him. The instructor talked gave an example of the early Saints of the Church. I thought of our D&C class. What those Saints endured was something that I couldn't even begin to bear. That said, Liberty Jail became like temple to Joseph Smith; it was a place where he was refined and made better. Amidst his pain, his suffering he became a better leader for the Church. I can look back at my life and identify more than just one significant trials, and all end up by adding experience and making me a happier person. Life throws us curve balls, but they will only make us better. The Saints were remarkable examples of people who bore with patience their afflictions, but the finest was that of our Savior Jesus Christ. I am grateful for his great example to me, and inevitably to us all.

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