Monday, February 2, 2009

The Spiritual Side of Life

Dear Truth Seeker,

Just yesterday I wrote an e-mail to my sister who is serving an LDS Mission in Poland, perhaps some of you have already heard about. I too served an LDS Mission to Tahiti (French Polynesia), as well as my father who served in Toronto, Canada. A mission is something that we do voluntarily. Each male, missionary serves for a period of 24 months (2 years). For the female missionaries (formally known as sister missionaries), they serve for a period of 18 months. Most all missionaries vary between 19 and 24 years of age. As missionaries, we consecrate our time, our money, and all of our energy towards the sharing of the gospel of Jesus Christ and His restored gospel here on the Earth today. For on average 15 hours a day, we walk or ride bikes in hopes of meeting people willing enough to listen to our message. As missionaries, we are also highly engaged in doing all sorts of service. Currently there are about 53,000 missionaries serving throughout the world giving of their own time to bring greater joy to the lives of thousands even millions.  

My mission had to have been undoubtedly the best experience of my life. The people in Tahiti were awesome, and I miss them very much. I have many fond memories of walking through heavy rains, and scorching heat, and I can't help but smile every time I reflect upon my mission. It was hard at times, that was for sure. Many times, I felt small, and out of place. I felt as if I didn't have much to offer. Then as I was reading again in Doctrine and Covenants, Section 1 Verse 19, "The weak things of the world shall come forth and break down the mighty and strong ones..." I felt strong, and capable. I developed a greater faith in my Heavenly Father as I strived to do what was right, and put this promise into action. I am someone who is small, and someone who to the world's standards is weak, and insignificant. However, to my Heavenly Father not am I only His son, but I am His missionary, called to accomplish His will on Earth. 

As I was mentioning, earlier in this blog, I sent my sister an e-mail with this scripture with the explanation that she can do it! Preaching the gospel isn't the only thing this scripture explains either. I can get good grades, I can read the scriptures and pray for forgiveness every night. What a great message that this small scripture sends to the world: We can do anything! I know that through the Lord's help, and through the measures that keep us from sin, we will always be a happier person, and one who can make a difference in this world no matter their size.  

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