This is the first entry that I make that addresses my very own spirituality. Mormons, more appropriately known as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS), may appear to have many more doctrinal books in addition to simply the Bible. This is very true, and all of these books contain truth and the doctrine of Jesus Christ. They teach us how to live a better and more fulfilling life as an individual and as a family. One of these such books is titled, The Doctrine and Covenants. Inside this book one will find revelations given to the prophet Joseph Smith.
Now I feel I must stop and also explain exactly who is this Joseph Smith, is he some sort of messiah for the LDS Church? No, we believe that Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer, however Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. Much like the prophets in the Bible, such as Adam, Enoch, Moses, Abraham, we believe that the Lord has called, does call and will continue to call prophets. Hence, Joseph Smith was called much like these prophets of old, for we too have need of prophet. The Lord loves us equally. He wouldn't bless the lives of the Israelites who were guided and taught by Moses, and then leave us to fend for ourselves. God is fair, and full of endless love for us his children.
Returning again to the content of the Doctrine and Covenants, the prophet Joseph Smith recorded the revelations that he would receive from none other, but the Lord. I was reading in this book this past week, and in addition to the assigned readings that I received for my religious class - Doctrine and Covenants, I read Sections 1 through 3. No one on earth is perfect, this is a simple fact of life. We make mistakes, but what struck me the most was what I read that day. The Lord reveals to Joseph Smith that though Joseph Smith (like us all) had made errors in his life, that the Lord through the great and infinite power of the Atonement would forgive him. This is what is written in those verses:
9. Behold, thou art Joseph, and thou wast chosen to do the work of the Lord, but because of transgression, if thou art not aware thou wilt fall. 10. But remember, God is merciful; therefore, repent of that which thou hast done which is contrary to the commandment which I gave you, and thou art still chosen, and art again called to the work.
I know that my Heavenly Father (God) loves me. I am His son, and what great comfort that gives me. Joseph Smith received this to help him, but I have found personal value in what was revealed to the prophet Joseph Smith. I often make the analogy to a computer. When we make mistakes typing something, we just hit the "undo" button and we can start again. The Lord through the Atonement took our sins, our pains and sufferings upon Himself so that we could live happily and return to live with Him again. What great peace and comfort that must give each one of us, to know that we can become happy through repentance.
I know that these teachings are true. How much happier have I been as I have used the Atonement in my life to repent of my sins. This is at the very heart of the Church of Jesus Christ. I hope that this can help you too.