Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Dear Truth Seeker,

My time in this class, REL 325H (Doctrine and Covenants) has finally come to an end, but my entries will continue. this semester has been somewhat of a roller coaster and I have been thrown around for some high as well as low times. It has been a great semester all in all. I have really come to find out many things pertaining to the Doctrine and Covenants. What a great opportunity we have to have a prophet on the earth today. I am most grateful however for the time that I have had to discover who I am. I am a person that has many weaknesses, and I have been able to work on those this past semester especially. I really need to make better efforts to have a greater desire to be a better me, I need and can do a better job as a disciple of Jesus Christ and His prophet. I am very grateful for all the many blessings my family has also given to me. 

Recently, with all of the problems that surround us on all sides, it becomes distracting to say the least. At the most it destroys our optimism, and it works at making us problems ourselves. What can and should we do? We have to be at war! We cannot accept mediocrity. We must replace those things that surround us with good things. One way I have been able to do that is by being a better person at listening to the prophets on my ipod. What a joy it is to be able to listen to the prophet's words multiple times a year, not just at conferences times. I am very happy, and happy to be stress free. I know that this Church is true!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Making Decisions Between Good and Better

Dear Truth Seeker,

I have had some very interesting experiences since my last post. School is finally winding down, and I find myself already planning my summer. So far it looks like I will just be working my little hands to the bones with various jobs fortunately earning good money. I am excited at the opportunities that have presented themselves to me and in such abundance. It is surely not of my doing that I am in such a situation. I am in a hard spot, but I know that Heavenly will help me make the choice that will allow me the greatest number of possibilities. I have recently been accepted to an internship in Paris, France, but at the same time I have been also accepted to be a teaching assistant and research assistant for the fall semesters. 

The Lord has richly blessed my life with some outstanding opportunities and at times it is very hard to make wise decisions. The Holy Ghost has been instrumental and I need his help. Recently during the last General Confrerence we were all reminded of something as fundamental as the lessons that we learn in Primary. As President Thomas S. Monson taught us in the Priesthood session, tthat we should 1. Study diligently and 2. Pray fervently. I am very grateful that in a world where decisions must be made, that our Heavenly Father has given us a way to receive answers to our prayers. As we study and do the things that the Prophet asks us to do, we may be eligible ot have the Spirit with us, and in the process we will be guided towards better solutions. Even if those decisions are between things that are better and best. 

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Standing up for the truth.

Dear Truth Seeker,

This past week has been busy to say the least. As the semester winds down, I have more and more things to do with less time. I guess that's life and I should learn to deal with it - and I am. One subject on which I would like to talk is the responsibility that we have as members of the Church to be civically engaged in the world. No matter what our personal opinions are we have the responsibility to be engaged politically and know what is going on. When I was in high school and even today, many people make fun of me, be it in jest or not about the level of my seriousness when it comes to politics. People, active members have even discouraged me from participating in my community politics because "it is below us." 

Perhaps they are right. Perhaps when everyone was making fun of Nephi, and telling him that he was wasting his time, perhaps he should never have done anything at all. Better yet, perhaps Abinidi should have never challenged the wicked King Benjamin, or even better, why didn't Samuel just abandon doing the right thing after all that wall must have been dangerous?! Ammon? What a loser?! Why did he waste his perfectly good time serving people, why? Because he loved that people. 

I swear the next time who makes fun of my life choices to pursue a career in public service, or my decisions to not party on the weekends so that I can go and do political campaigns just to find that they label my efforts as WASTE, should listen to this: I am doing this for you, and for me, and for our families. Civic duty is missing in the Church today!! We are too passive, too afraid to challenge the status quo. I can't tell you how many mothers knowingly send their kids to crumby schools, who know that things aren't going well in the school system, yet cry, whine, and complain when you ask them to help their children! It is a flat out JOKE! In the Doctrine and Covenants we can learn a good lesson that addresses this problem. They didn't stand around when the government asked them to travel miles and miles to contribute to the U.S. military. No! The Mormon Battalion had a sense of what CIVIC DUTY meant! The members of the Church similarly understood why they needed to be civically minded. My greatest fear is that we have great potential in the Church. There are many great men and women, but these people don't do anything. 

Some the world's greatest leaders have been members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We have a lot to offer this world, and we can do better. It isn't easy, but nothing ever worth doing is. Civic Duty isn't just something that losers engage in, it is something that only concerned people do. People who care about their country.

Friday, March 20, 2009

BYU Museum of Art

Dear Truth Seeker, 

Just this past week our class had the opportunity to learn more about art. A lady from BYU's Museam of Art came to talk to us. Admittedly I wasn't interested at first to learn about art. I have always enjoyed creating my own art, but interpreting art has never been something that I thought was worth my time. Why do I say that? Well the interpretation of art is just like poetry, but worse. Art is even more subjective in its interpretation and who are we to prescribe a meaning that wasn't supposed to be? Artists have different reasons for doing what they do, and I always thought it overly presumptuous of us to dictate to an artist the real value of his/her piece of artwork. 

This was the approach that I had going into this entire discussion Tuesday afternoon, and the truth be told, I fell asleep out of sheer boredom. Gasp! right? Those who are reading and are in our D&C Class please don't judge me, but it was honestly quite boring. The only thing keeping me awake was the pizza. 

Such were my feelings heading into yesterday's museum visit. Upon arriving at the museum I felt something different. I saw the pieces of artwork about the Savior's life, his birth and even his ministry. We had a specially guided tour of the museum where discussing the pieces of artwork we were brought (or at least I was) to the realization that our professor had a reason for doing all of this. It was a very enriching experience, and one wherein I felt the Spirit strongly. I am so happy for this opportunity that we had to do this. The pieces of artwork especially the one that depicts Christ healing someone beside the pool of Bethesda caught my attention and made me feel the Spirit. It was there that I realized and developed my very own meaning of those individual pieces of artwork. I realized that I, myself was putting meaning arbitrarily to these pieces of artwork, but it too made me realize how these pieces of artwork can really speak to one's soul.

I know that Christ lives, and that through many different mediums we can all receive that testimony that He lives still today, that He died for our sins, and that through Him all things are made possible. I was reminded of the things that I need to do better, and I am dedicated to making sure those things come about in my life. Thanks Dr. H. for this awesome self-teaching opportunity, thanks to the Spirit too.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Baptisms for the dead...What a blessing!

Words that would describe this week: a relief, amazing, happy, and satisfactory. I was able to run up to the top of Y Mountain this week after several failed attempts. What a great feeling I had while running, and the sense of accomplishment was more than words could describe. It is something to beat someone else in something be it school, sports or money. It is another thing when you can beat yourself, when you can push yourself to another level of self performance to reach some worthy goal. 

On a more spiritual note, I had the great opportunity to go to the Provo Temple with my older sister Katie in order to do baptisms for the dead. I baptized my sister, for the female names in our family, and I was likewise baptized for some of the male family names. What a great feeling that was. I was really nervous going into the whole thing. I wanted everything to go well, and it did. Constantly, I fought back the desire to speak in French for that is the language that I am most used to when it comes to baptisms. Luckily for me, the temple workers were understanding and very kind. 

So what does this have to do with what I have been studying in my Doctrine and Covenants class? It comes down to the Priesthood and temples. Now, understandably the temple Priesthood is different than the Priesthood given to for example Deacons, and Priests. I am just talking about the Priesthood that we have today in order to do the temple ordinances. With the Restoration came the Priesthood, and also temple ordinances. What a blessing it is to us in our lives that Joseph Smith revealed the Gospel of Jesus Christ as it was taught by Jesus Christ himself. With the Priesthood, and more importantly with the Temple Priesthood, we can be sealed together as a family for those in our very own family who may not have and the opportunity themselves to accept the Gospel while they were here on earth. My sister was baptized today for my grandma, Grandma Mack. I miss my grandma. What an amazing lady, and though she didn't accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ while she was here on earth, I felt so good being able to baptize her today through the intermediary of my sister. 

It was a very emotionally charged day, and one that I will never forget.

What are you

Friday, February 27, 2009

Charging my battery

Dear Truth Seeker,

I am humbled by the many blessings that the Lord was so gracious to grant me this week. I was strong enough to get through my test, and paper amongst other things. I received a great e-mail from my sister as well and she seems to be doing well. My parents are doing great, as well as my grandparents. 

Just the other night I had the great opportunity to help a man with his car. He needed to get to his car, and asked me if I wouldn't mind driving him over to pick it up. I really thought that this would be a good opportunity to serve, and I knew that by having a car I needed to help this gentleman. Actually he's a student here at BYU. Well upon arriving at his car, he noticed that his car had died. So we removed the jumper cables from his car and after 20 minutes he was able to return home.

All the time that we sat there waiting for the car to start, I thought about our lives here on Earth. Sometimes we have problems along the way, and we really need someone's help. The Lord is there to lift us up. I couldn't help but think about the time when the Mormon pioneers crossed the plains. I am reading in the Doctrine and Covenants, and from the stories about the members who lived through such tumultuous times. I can't imagine what they endured patiently knowing that the Lord was there, constantly there to pick them back up. The same holds true to the experiences that Joseph Smith had while in Liberty Jail. In class we studied the differences between the time that Joseph Smith entered Liberty Jail and the time when he left. He had become a much stronger person, and that is what I saw metaphorically last night, and every day in my life. I am so grateful for this gospel!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sundays my new favorite day of the week.

Dear Truth Seeker,

I am humbled to be alive. Stressed out, over-extended, and absolutely tired still leaves me optimistic for this week, the next, and the week after next until school will be done for this semester. Term papers, exams, clubs and extracurriculars and weekend parties are enough to make anyone run themselves ragged. This past Sunday was serene, a calm amongst the stress and hussle and bussle of life. I didn't notice any real differences in that Sunday as all of the others, except that I was more prepared spiritually, and that has made all the difference. I take along with me "Le Petit Livre Rouge" with me to take notes, and write down inspirations that come to me while I listen to the lessons given. It is interesting to see the many blessings come from that simple act. I retain the lesson better, but more importantly is that daily dose of personal revelation. To be able to receive personal revelation on issues as pertinent as what I should be doing to move closer towards my personal salvation is the best guidance I could receive. I know that my Heavenly Father knows who I am. He understands my concerns, and amidst the billions on this earth he cares deeply for me. He has infinite knowledge and love, and for that I am eternally grateful. 

Also mentioned at church Sunday, was "sacrifice." All sacrifice makes us stronger. I guess whomever invented that quote, "whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger," really had something going for him. The instructor talked gave an example of the early Saints of the Church. I thought of our D&C class. What those Saints endured was something that I couldn't even begin to bear. That said, Liberty Jail became like temple to Joseph Smith; it was a place where he was refined and made better. Amidst his pain, his suffering he became a better leader for the Church. I can look back at my life and identify more than just one significant trials, and all end up by adding experience and making me a happier person. Life throws us curve balls, but they will only make us better. The Saints were remarkable examples of people who bore with patience their afflictions, but the finest was that of our Savior Jesus Christ. I am grateful for his great example to me, and inevitably to us all.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Being Autonomous and Free

Dear Truth Seeker,

This week was one that I don't think I will quite forget. I often found myself surrounded by blessings that I knowingly did not deserve. As a political science major, I am addicted to The New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, The Economist and more. The stories and worries of everyone in the United States seems to come back to the economy. After all according to polls during the 2008 campaign cycle, voters listed that as their largest concern. This crisis has had a large effect on the lives of many Americans. According to The New York Times, unemployment reached a record 7.6%  for the month of January. So why do I talk about this? It shows how pertinent the words of a living prophet truly are; they are the words from a personal messenger from God. 

In the Doctrine and Covenants we read and study the life a living prophet, Joseph Smith. Today, we aren't much different. For years and years, the prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints have continuously reminded us to create and grow our food storage. We all can relate to the ward activities, meetings and training meetings that we have at one point even subjected our primary children to, for the wise purpose of being READY. We need to be ready, the Prophets have warned us, of the slow economic times that are ahead of us, the problems that could happen, and we should listen. It isn't simply a man who is talking to us, but it is the Lord who is speaking through a prophet called to do this work.

When we listen to the prophet as we should, there are always blessings that follow. Those who have listened to the prophet are autonomous from bad consequences, and free. If we listen to the prophet, we are blessed in ways we may not even see, but we are blessed. We see that with the early members. Many for personal reasons left the Church in the first great apostasy because they did not want to follow the prophet. They, much like today, thought that the ideas of the living prophet were out of place, extreme, and unfair. The ideas of prophets may not always correspond with our own ideas, but they are the best ones. Each time, we decide to follow the prophet, we will only be blessed for doing so; we will be free and happy.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

An International Church

Me in front of the map pointing to Tahiti on the M.T.C. map - quick before the M.T.C. grouches come along!

This is a picture of me and the President Tong Sang, President of French Polynesia

Dear Truth Seeker,

As I regard my friends around the world, and the presence of the Church in the most remote countries all throughout the world, I am reminded of the promise that is in the Doctrine and Covenants that, "this proclamation shall be made to all the kings of the world, to the four corners thereof, to the honorable president-elect, and the high-minded governors of the nation in which you live, and to all the nations of the earth scattered abroad" (D&C 124:3). As a political science major, and one who has had enough experience in the affairs of the world to make a judgment feel with much excitement the real weight that scripture has on all of us. 

This scripture in D&C is made all that more interesting, and personally touching as I too partook in that scripture. I remember as missionaries in Tahiti, though I wasn't a part of the group, the missionaries were invited by the president to sing, to attend church (which he did), the Tahiti-Papeete Temple re-dedication, and many other wonderful events where the Church was well represented. 

A small boy, without much education, but filled with humility and love of God received an answer to his humble, but fervent prayer. To think of the impact that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has had on U.S. and World events and history is remarkable. When I think of the Lord, and His immense love for each and everyone of us, I am humbled. As the primary song goes, "the world will know the truth." I am certain that the Lord loves everyone unconditionally, and what a blessing the knowledge of our purpose of life is.

Lastly, I would like to add that I wrote to my sister who is currently serving her mission in Poland. I explained what we had been learning in D&C Class, and I find that what the Saints went through was what we go through today. The circumstances are only slightly modified. We are bombarded with immoral and vain things of this world, things that weren't imaginable at the time of the Saints' trials. We are modern day Saints, for all of us who are trying to constantly do what is right. Some ask themselves, if the Lord is truly capable of forgiving us after all that we do in our lives. I attest unequivocally that He does. How we are blessed, how we all need that understanding and help everyday of our lives. What joy that brings!

Monday, February 2, 2009

The Spiritual Side of Life

Dear Truth Seeker,

Just yesterday I wrote an e-mail to my sister who is serving an LDS Mission in Poland, perhaps some of you have already heard about. I too served an LDS Mission to Tahiti (French Polynesia), as well as my father who served in Toronto, Canada. A mission is something that we do voluntarily. Each male, missionary serves for a period of 24 months (2 years). For the female missionaries (formally known as sister missionaries), they serve for a period of 18 months. Most all missionaries vary between 19 and 24 years of age. As missionaries, we consecrate our time, our money, and all of our energy towards the sharing of the gospel of Jesus Christ and His restored gospel here on the Earth today. For on average 15 hours a day, we walk or ride bikes in hopes of meeting people willing enough to listen to our message. As missionaries, we are also highly engaged in doing all sorts of service. Currently there are about 53,000 missionaries serving throughout the world giving of their own time to bring greater joy to the lives of thousands even millions.  

My mission had to have been undoubtedly the best experience of my life. The people in Tahiti were awesome, and I miss them very much. I have many fond memories of walking through heavy rains, and scorching heat, and I can't help but smile every time I reflect upon my mission. It was hard at times, that was for sure. Many times, I felt small, and out of place. I felt as if I didn't have much to offer. Then as I was reading again in Doctrine and Covenants, Section 1 Verse 19, "The weak things of the world shall come forth and break down the mighty and strong ones..." I felt strong, and capable. I developed a greater faith in my Heavenly Father as I strived to do what was right, and put this promise into action. I am someone who is small, and someone who to the world's standards is weak, and insignificant. However, to my Heavenly Father not am I only His son, but I am His missionary, called to accomplish His will on Earth. 

As I was mentioning, earlier in this blog, I sent my sister an e-mail with this scripture with the explanation that she can do it! Preaching the gospel isn't the only thing this scripture explains either. I can get good grades, I can read the scriptures and pray for forgiveness every night. What a great message that this small scripture sends to the world: We can do anything! I know that through the Lord's help, and through the measures that keep us from sin, we will always be a happier person, and one who can make a difference in this world no matter their size.  

Saturday, January 24, 2009

My Maiden Entry

Dear Truth Seeker,

This is the first entry that I make that addresses my very own spirituality. Mormons, more appropriately known as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS), may appear to have many more doctrinal books in addition to simply the Bible. This is very true, and all of these books contain truth and the doctrine of Jesus Christ. They teach us how to live a better and more fulfilling life as an individual and as a family. One of these such books is titled, The Doctrine and Covenants. Inside this book one will find revelations given to the prophet Joseph Smith. 
Now I feel I must stop and also explain exactly who is this Joseph Smith, is he some sort of messiah for the LDS Church? No, we believe that Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer, however Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. Much like the prophets in the Bible, such as Adam, Enoch, Moses, Abraham, we believe that the Lord has called, does call and will continue to call prophets. Hence, Joseph Smith was called much like these prophets of old, for we too have need of prophet. The Lord loves us equally. He wouldn't bless the lives of the Israelites who were guided and taught by Moses, and then leave us to fend for ourselves. God is fair, and full of endless love for us his children.
Returning again to the content of the Doctrine and Covenants, the prophet Joseph Smith recorded the revelations that he would receive from none other, but the Lord. I was reading in this book this past week, and in addition to the assigned readings that I received for my religious class - Doctrine and Covenants, I read Sections 1 through 3. No one on earth is perfect, this is a simple fact of life. We make mistakes, but what struck me the most was what I read that day. The Lord reveals to Joseph Smith that though Joseph Smith (like us all) had made errors in his life, that the Lord through the great and infinite power of the Atonement would forgive him. This is what is written in those verses:

9. Behold, thou art Joseph, and thou wast chosen to do the work of the Lord, but because of transgression, if thou art not aware thou wilt fall. 10. But remember, God is merciful; therefore, repent of that which thou hast done which is contrary to the commandment which I gave you, and thou art still chosen, and art again called to the work.

I know that my Heavenly Father (God) loves me. I am His son, and what great comfort that gives me. Joseph Smith received this to help him, but I have found personal value in what was revealed to the prophet Joseph Smith. I often make the analogy to a computer. When we make mistakes typing something, we just hit the "undo" button and we can start again. The Lord through the Atonement took our sins, our pains and sufferings upon Himself so that we could live happily and return to live with Him again. What great peace and comfort that must give each one of us, to know that we can become happy through repentance. 
I know that these teachings are true. How much happier have I been as I have used the Atonement in my life to repent of my sins. This is at the very heart of the Church of Jesus Christ. I hope that this can help you too.